About Us

Scientific Production Association "RYBTECHCENTRE" - is a dynamically developing machine-building enterprise.
We specialize in integrated industrial engineering, designing and production of the equipment for fish-processing enterprises and fishing vessels, small mobile manufacturing systems and other food industry facilities.
The modern SIA “Rybtehсentr” began its work as the Central Design-Engineering Bureau of Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR, organized on the basis of machine-building plant in Kaliningrad in 1963. In 1969 the factory was renamed into Skillful Production and Technical Association (SPTA) “Tehrybprom”, which became the first association in the system of Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR. In 1988 SPTA “Tehrybprom” was renamed into Scientific Industrial Association “Rybtehсentr”.
In the 60-th years of the 20 century the Central Design-Engineering Bureau (and later Skillful Production and Technical Association (SPTA) “Tehrybprom”) was given a main strategic goal: to develop high-quality advanced equipment for fish and seafood processing.
The principal aims: automation and improvement of processing of raw material and food production are decided by specialists of Design-Engineering Bureau throughout the existence of association.
The equipment of SIA “Rybtehсentr” is developed and modernized by highly qualified engineers with the latest developments in industry and the best global practice. Scientific Industrial Association supports business and creative relationships with 20 research, design and educational institutions throughout the world, and works with foreign countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Norway).
Upward of 400 kinds of machines, processing lines and other equipment were developed by SIA “Rybtehсentr”. Most developments were created as inventions and protected by copyright certificates. During the lifetime of association 318 applications for inventions were received, and 234 of them had a positive decision.
Filling machine “INA” is patented in 8 foreign countries (Britain, France, USA, Japan, Norway, Sweden and Germany, Canada).
Machinery and mechanized lines for fish processing are implemented in all basins of the fishing industry of the former USSR, at fish processing vessels, fishery mother ships and at shore stations.
Such countries as Germany, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Singapore, Cuba, Yemen are provided with equipment of SIA “Rybtehcentr”.